Kota Bukittinggi mulai berdiri seiring dengan kedatangan Belanda yang kemudian mendirikan kubu pertahanan pada tahun 1825 pada masa Perang Padri di salah satu bukit yang terdapat dalam kota ini, dikenal sebagai Benteng Fort de Kock, sekaligus menjadi tempat peristirahatan opsir-opsir Belanda yang berada di wilayah jajahannya. Kemudian pada masa pemerintahan Hindia-Belanda, kawasan ini selalu ditingkatkan perannya dalam ketatanegaraan yang kemudian berkembang menjadi sebuah Stadsgemeente (kota), dan juga berfungsi sebagai ibukota Afdeeling Padangsche Bovenlanden dan Onderafdeeling Oud Agam.
Pada masa pendudukan Jepang, Kota Bukittinggi dijadikan sebagai pusat pengendalian pemerintahan militernya untuk kawasanSumatera, bahkan sampai ke Singapura dan Thailand, di mana pada kota ini menjadi tempat kedudukan komandan militer ke 25Kenpeitai, di bawah pimpinan Mayor Jenderal Hirano Toyoji. Kemudian kota ini berganti nama dari Stadsgemeente Fort de Kockmenjadi Bukittinggi Si Yaku Sho yang daerahnya diperluas dengan memasukkan nagari-nagari sekitarnya seperti Sianok Anam Suku,Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Gadang, Batu Taba dan Bukit Batabuah. Sekarang nagari-nagari tersebut masuk ke dalam wilayah Kabupaten Agam.
Setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia, Bukittinggi dipilih menjadi ibukota Provinsi Sumatera, dengan gubernurnya Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan. Kemudian Bukittinggi juga ditetapkan sebagai wilayah pemerintahan kota berdasarkan Ketetapan Gubernur Provinsi Sumatera Nomor 391 tanggal 9 Juni 1947.
Pada masa mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia, Kota Bukitinggi berperan sebagai kota perjuangan, di mana pada tanggal 19 Desember 1948, kota ini ditunjuk sebagai ibukota negara Indonesia setelah Yogyakarta jatuh ke tangan Belanda atau dikenal denganPemerintahan Darurat Republik Indonesia (PDRI). Dikemudian hari, peristiwa ini ditetapkan sebagai Hari Bela Negara, berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 28 Tahun 2006 tanggal 18 Desember 2006.
Selanjutnya Kota Bukittinggi menjadi Kota Besar berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1956 tentang pembentukan daerah otonom kota besar dalam lingkungan daerah provinsi Sumatera Tengah masa itu, yang meliputi wilayah provinsi Sumatera Barat,Jambi, Riau dan Kepulauan Riau sekarang.
Walaupun setelah dikeluarkannya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 84 Tahun 1999 sebagai dasar hukum baru pemerintahan daerah Kota Bukittinggi namun dalam implementasinya sampai sekarang masih belum dapat dilaksanakan.
Bukittinggi city began standing in line with the arrival of the Dutch who later founded the blockhouse in 1825 on Padri War period in which there is one hill in this town, known as Fort de Kock, as well as a resting place of the Dutch officers who are in the colonies. Later in the reign of the Dutch East Indies, the area is always enhanced role in the constitution which later developed into a Stadsgemeente (city), and also serves as the capital Afdeeling Padangsche Bovenlanden and Onderafdeeling Oud Agam.
During the Japanese occupation, the city of Bukittinggi used as a control center for the region of Sumatra military government, even to Singapore and Thailand, where the city became the seat of the military commander to 25 Kenpeitai, under the command of Major General Hirano Toyoji. Later the city changed its name from Fort de Kock became Stadsgemeente Bukittinggi The Yaku Sho, whose land was broadened to include the surrounding villages-villages like Sianok Anam Tribe, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, Taba and Bukit Batu Batabuah. Now Nagari-Nagari is entered into the Agam regency.
After the independence of Indonesia, Bukittinggi was chosen to be the capital of the Province of Sumatra, with its governor Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan.The United Kingdom is also defined as an area municipality under the Province of Sumatra Governor Decree No. 391 dated June 9, 1947.
At the time of maintaining the independence of Indonesia, the City Bukitinggi role as the city struggles, where on December 19, 1948, the city is designated as the capital of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fell into Dutch hands, known as the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Later on, the event was designated a State-Defense Day, based on the Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 Year 2006 dated December 18, 2006.
The next big city of Bukittinggi be based on Law Number 9 Year 1956 concerning the establishment of an autonomous region within the major cities of the province of Central Sumatra that time,which includes the province of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands now.
Even after the issuance of Government Regulation Number 84 of 1999 as a new legal basis of regional government in the implementation of Bukittinggi, but until now still can not be implemented.
During the Japanese occupation, the city of Bukittinggi used as a control center for the region of Sumatra military government, even to Singapore and Thailand, where the city became the seat of the military commander to 25 Kenpeitai, under the command of Major General Hirano Toyoji. Later the city changed its name from Fort de Kock became Stadsgemeente Bukittinggi The Yaku Sho, whose land was broadened to include the surrounding villages-villages like Sianok Anam Tribe, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, Taba and Bukit Batu Batabuah. Now Nagari-Nagari is entered into the Agam regency.
After the independence of Indonesia, Bukittinggi was chosen to be the capital of the Province of Sumatra, with its governor Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan.The United Kingdom is also defined as an area municipality under the Province of Sumatra Governor Decree No. 391 dated June 9, 1947.
At the time of maintaining the independence of Indonesia, the City Bukitinggi role as the city struggles, where on December 19, 1948, the city is designated as the capital of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fell into Dutch hands, known as the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Later on, the event was designated a State-Defense Day, based on the Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 Year 2006 dated December 18, 2006.
The next big city of Bukittinggi be based on Law Number 9 Year 1956 concerning the establishment of an autonomous region within the major cities of the province of Central Sumatra that time,which includes the province of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands now.
Even after the issuance of Government Regulation Number 84 of 1999 as a new legal basis of regional government in the implementation of Bukittinggi, but until now still can not be implemented.
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